Introduction Usemouse Help_intro Help_choice Help_keyboard Help_mouse Help_keyboard "Using This Book" enterPage leavePage enterPage Using This Book leavePage Using This Book "Usekeyboard" buttonUp buttonUp Usekeyboard RETURN intro_help This screen allows you to enter dates to convert using the keyboard. Tab until the box next to the type of action you want to perform is red, then press Enter. You will be asked to enter a date (or dates in the case of Find Range) in a specific format. After the converted dates are returned to you, the check mark in the box you picked will disappear. Press Enter again to repeat the process using the same action or tab forward or backward to select a different action. You may tab down to the button labeled PREV to exit this screen. You will see a dim white circle around the button when you are positioned properly. Also note that the mouse may be used the check off the action boxes or the PREV button but you must (of course) use the keyboard to enter the dates. Date Manipulation Book System `D|D| System `D|D| System -- Initialize "Usemouse" B"convert" B"range" "messageBox" visable "messagebox" "Usekeyboard" B"convert_to_jul" "usekeyboard" B"convert_to_greg" -- Reset Menubar Help "Using This &Book" UsingThisBook enterBook UsingThisBook enterBook convert Usemouse range Usemouse messageBox Usemouse messagebox Usemouse visable messagebox Usemouse convert_to_jul usekeyboard convert_to_greg usekeyboard range usekeyboard messageBox Usekeyboard messagebox Usekeyboard visable messagebox Usekeyboard Using This &Book UsingThisBook page id 0 page id 3 page id 4 page id 5 Introduction p1nextbutt keyEnter buttonUp keyUp buttonUp keyUp book_desc This is a book to allow a variety of date conversions and editing functions. Included are routines to convert Julian dates to Gregorian dates and vise-versa. Also included are routines to tell you how many days fall in between dates. Hopefully this book will be helpful to those using project management tools under Windows. You can use this book either by keyboard or mouse. You will be given a choice on the next page. This book was conceived, designed and written by Rick Montoro of Steps Software. It is a free book that may be distributed to those with a runtime version of Toolbook. Any questions, comments, suggestions or reports of bugs will be greatly appreciated. I can be contacted via Compuserve 72730,3570 or on the BBS where you found this book. Help for this book and for Toolbook can be obtained by choosing Help on the menu bar. obtained by choosing Help on the menu bar. er xxxxxxxxxxxxxx. greatly appreciated. I can be contacted via Compuserve User xxxxxxxxxxxxxx. "Help_intro" buttonUp buttonUp Help_intro Help_mouse "Usemouse" buttonUp buttonUp Usemouse RETURN intro_help You were position at the calendar display screen. Click one of the options in the selection box. If you do not, you will be prompted. Use the up and down arrows next to the year and month on the calendar to increment or decrement the month or year. Reset Current Month button puts you back into this month. Reset Month resets all converted dates for for the month you have up on the calendar. If you pick Convert To Julian, double click on the day in the calendar that you wish to convert. If you click on a Julian day, it is converted back. If you pick Range, you will pick two days and be returned the number of days in between the days (non-inclusive) picked. The days to range must be in their original state. In other words if you pick a day that was previously converted to Julian, you must double click to convert it back and then double click to select it as one of the days in your range find selections. The order in which you pick the days is unimportant. The first day picked may be greater than the or Gregorian or you wish to 'range' dates. "Using This Book" enterPage leavePage enterPage Using This Book leavePage Using This Book sub1_bg session_choice B"p2keyb_button" enterPage enterPage p2keyb_button forepage2_keyb If you wish to use the keyboard during this session, click on the keyboard icon or tab until it is red and press Enter. p2keyb_button B"p2mouse_button" 0,100,0 0,50,100 0,100,0 B"p2keyb_button" 0,100,0 0,50,100 0,100,0 G, isShift B"p2prev_button" "Usekeyboard" keyEnter mouseEnter enterButton mouseLeave keyDown leaveButton buttonUp keyUp enterButton p2mouse_button leaveButton mouseEnter p2keyb_button p2mouse_button mouseLeave keyDown p2prev_button isShift buttonUp Usekeyboard keyUp Usekeyboard p2mouse_button B"p2keyb_button" 0,100,0 0,50,100 0,100,0 B"p2mouse_button" 0,100,0 0,50,100 0,100,0 "Usemouse" keyEnter , isShift, isCtrl B"p2prev_button" mouseEnter enterButton mouseLeave buttonUp leaveButton keyUp keyDown enterButton p2keyb_button leaveButton mouseEnter p2mouse_button p2keyb_button mouseLeave buttonUp Usemouse keyUp Usemouse keyDown p2keyb_button p2prev_button isCtrl isShift Button Button Button p2prev_button "Introduction" keyEnter B"p2prev_button" H, isShift, isCtrl B"p2mouse_button" B"p2keyb_button" keyUp buttonUp mouseEnter keyDown buttonUp Introduction keyUp Introduction mouseEnter p2prev_button keyDown p2mouse_button p2keyb_button isCtrl isShift If you wish to use the mouse during this session, click on the mouse icon or tab until it is red and press Enter. r. r. buttonUp buttonUp sub1_bg Help_choice "Using This Book" enterPage leavePage enterPage Using This Book leavePage Using This Book /3ZZ "session_choice" buttonUp buttonUp session_choice RETURN intro_help You were positioned at the session choice screen. If you wish to use the keyboard to work with dates position the mouse pointer over the keyboard and when it turns red, click it. If you prefer the mouse, click the mouse icon on the computer. It will turn red when you are positioned correctly. You may also tab until your choice is red and press enter. Using the mouse is greatly encouraged because of the flexability you gain. By choosing the graphical route (choosing the mouse) you get a calendar display that allows you to see and do more. cking' on a field means to put the mouse pointer on top of the field and pressing and releasing the left mouse button. 'Double clicking' means pressing and releasing the left mouse button quickly. Selecting means the same as 'clicking' or 'double - clicking'. Sometimes all you have to do is click and sometimes you must double click. In this book, the only time you must double-click is when you are at the calendar and you wish to convert a day to Julian or Gregorian or you wish to 'range' dates. Usekeyboard B"convert_to_jul" syslockScreen B"convert_to_greg" B"range" "messageBox" visable "messagebox" "askuser" "entryfield" convertGreg datein 4source_date, target_date Zworkmm, workdd, workyy, jday, leapyear, monthdays "31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31" k4 = 0 k100 <> 0) k400 = 0) < 01 > 12) "Gregorian " has invalid cannot be converted! Try = 29 = 02 . You entered 29 February!" \ * 30.55) + - 29.9 > 2 < 10 "00" < 100 r: " " Julian r: " convertJul , i, "31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31" k4 = 0 k100 <> 0) k400 = 0) < 001 > 366)) < 001 > 365)) another. " \ = 366 + 1) dateout < 10 < 32 r: " r: " calcDiff datelo, datehi Zi, diff, holdyr, yearhi, yearlo, dayhi, daylo, "31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31" -- Validate low k4 = 0 k100 <> 0) k400 = 0) < 01 > 12) "Low = 29 = 02 -- Send k4 = 0 k100 <> 0) k400 = 0) < 01 > 12) "High = 29 = 02 high -- Compute difference between dates Foutput - 1 k4 = 0 k100 <> 0) k400 = 0) ) - 1 < 0 * -1) - 2 < 0 "Start r: " r: " Number selected : " \ enterPage convertGreg convertJul leavePage calcDiff keyChar enterPage convert_to_jul leavePage convert_to_jul convert_to_greg range messageBox messagebox visable messagebox askuser askuser visable askuser entryfield entryfield visable entryfield convertGreg 31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31 visable Gregorian date has an invalid month and cannot be converted! Try again. messagebox entryfield visable convert_to_jul visable Gregorian date has an invalid day and cannot be converted! Try again. messagebox false is not a leap year. You entered 29 days for February! messagebox entryfield visable convert_to_jul fffff range visable visable Gregorian date: Julian date: convert_to_jul entryfield askuser messagebox workmm workdd workyy leapyear monthdays source_date target_date datein convertJul 31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31 false visable Julian date is an invalid date and cannot be converted! Try another. messagebox false is not a leap year. You entered 366 days! messagebox entryfield visable convert_to_greg visable visable Julian date: Gregorian date: convert_to_greg entryfield dateout askuser messagebox workmm workdd workyy leapyear monthdays source_date target_date datein calcDiff 31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31 visable Low date has an invalid month and cannot be converted! Try again. messagebox entryfield visable range visable Low date has an invalid day and cannot be converted! Try again. messagebox false is not a leap year. You entered 29 days for February! messagebox entryfield visable range convertGreg visable High date has an invalid month and cannot be converted! Try again. messagebox entryfield visable range visable High date has an invalid day and cannot be converted! Try again. messagebox false is not a leap year. You entered 29 days for February! messagebox entryfield visable range convertGreg visable Start date: End date: Number of days between selected dates: messagebox messagebox range entryfield askuser messagebox holdyr yearhi yearlo dayhi daylo workmm workdd leapyear workyy monthdays target_date datehi datelo keyChar askuser entryfield messagebox askuser visable askuser messagebox visable messagebox convert_to_jul convert_to_greg range convert_to_jul +4GZK KBL2Y L>/ e Picks_box h,visable Convert to Julian Convert to Gregorian Find range convert_to_jul 4source_date, target_date B"convert_to_jul" B"range" B"convert_to_greg" "messagebox" visable "askuser" "entryfield" "Enter the Gregorian MMDDYYYY:" \ 0,100,0 0,100,0 0,50,100 0,100,0 key, isShift B"p3prevbutton" keyEnter utton buttonUp leaveButton keyDown enterButton keyUp buttonUp convert_to_jul range convert_to_greg messagebox messagebox messagebox visable askuser askuser askuser visable entryfield Enter the Gregorian date to convert in format MMDDYYYY: messagebox messagebox messagebox visable entryfield askuser visable entryfield askuser source_date target_date enterButton convert_to_greg range leaveButton keyDown p3prevbutton isShift keyUp convert_to_jul convert_to_jul range convert_to_greg Enter the Gregorian date to convert in format MMDDYYYY: messagebox messagebox messagebox visable entryfield askuser visable convert_to_jul entryfield askuser source_date target_date Button convert_to_greg 4source_date, target_date B"convert_to_greg" B"range" B"convert_to_jul" "messagebox" visable "askuser" "entryfield" "Enter the Julian YYYYDDD:" \ 0,100,0 0,100,0 0,50,100 0,100,0 key, isShift keyEnter utton buttonUp leaveButton keyDown enterButton keyUp buttonUp convert_to_greg range convert_to_jul messagebox messagebox messagebox visable askuser askuser askuser visable entryfield Enter the Julian date to convert in format YYYYDDD: messagebox messagebox messagebox visable entryfield askuser visable entryfield askuser source_date target_date enterButton convert_to_jul range leaveButton keyDown convert_to_jul isShift keyUp convert_to_greg convert_to_greg range convert_to_jul Enter the Julian date to convert in format YYYYDDD: messagebox messagebox messagebox visable entryfield askuser visable convert_to_greg entryfield askuser Button range 4source_date, target_date B"range" B"convert_to_greg" B"convert_to_jul" "messagebox" visable "askuser" "entryfield" "Enter the MMDDYYYY:" \ 0,100,0 0,100,0 0,50,100 0,100,0 key, isShift keyEnter utton buttonUp leaveButton keyDown enterButton keyUp buttonUp range convert_to_greg convert_to_jul messagebox messagebox messagebox visable askuser askuser askuser visable entryfield Enter the start date of range in format MMDDYYYY: messagebox messagebox messagebox visable entryfield askuser visable entryfield askuser source_date target_date enterButton convert_to_jul convert_to_greg leaveButton keyDown convert_to_greg isShift keyUp range range convert_to_greg convert_to_jul Enter the start date of range in format MMDDYYYY: messagebox messagebox messagebox visable entryfield askuser visable range entryfield askuser source_date target_date Button p3prevbutton "session_choice" keyEnter B"convert_to_greg" 0,100,0 B"range" 0,100,0 B"convert_to_jul" 0,100,0 , isShift keyUp buttonUp enterButton keyDown buttonUp session_choice keyUp session_choice enterButton convert_to_greg range convert_to_jul keyDown range convert_to_jul isShift Messagebox Kvisable false askuser .Lvisable false entryfield 4source_date, target_date " = keyEnter \ B"convert_to_jul" entryfield) = 8 "askuser" "messagebox" convertGreg "Usekeyboard" "Please enter 8 %follows: MMDDYYYY" \ B"convert_to_greg" convertJul key = YYYYDDD" \ B"range" visable calcDiff syslockScreen < 48 "Only numeric Tplease!" \ press escape!" \ keyChar keyChar convert_to_jul askuser messagebox convertGreg Usekeyboard convert_to_jul messagebox Please enter 8 characters as follows: MMDDYYYY messagebox entryfield convert_to_greg askuser messagebox convertJul Usekeyboard convert_to_greg messagebox Please enter 7 characters as follows: YYYYDDD messagebox entryfield range Enter the end date of the range in format MMDDYYYY: messagebox messagebox messagebox visable entryfield askuser visable range askuser messagebox oLBcalcDiff Usekeyboard range messagebox Please enter 8 characters as follows: MMDDYYYY messagebox entryfield askuser entryfield messagebox askuser visable askuser messagebox visable messagebox convert_to_jul convert_to_greg range convert_to_jul messagebox Only numeric characters please! messagebox Try again or press escape! messagebox messagebox messagebox askuser entryfield source_date target_date Yvisable false Tab until box you want is red and press Enter or click with mouse. Press Escape at any point to terminate your actions and start over. session_choice Usemouse 4currmo, curryear, setup "frame" "m,y" displayDate buildcal visable "messagebox" B"convert" "Usemouse" B"range" "messageBox" enterPage leavePage enterPage setup frame displayDate frame oHSbuildcal frame currmo curryear setup leavePage messagebox visable messagebox convert Usemouse range Usemouse messageBox Usemouse p3prevbutt "session_choice" keyEnter buttonUp keyUp buttonUp session_choice keyUp session_choice Messagebox visable Number of days between selected dates: 363 frame setup 4currmo, curryear, stilldown, B"mobutton" %"m" B"yrbutton" buildcal m, y Ztotdays, wrkday, i weekDay(1, m, y) ? - 1 daysInMonth(m) d, m, y 4leapyear Zmfactor, cfactor Zday1, yr k4 = 0 k100 <> 0) k400 = 0) "034025036146" "144025036146" y >= 1900 y <= 1999 y >= 1700 y <= 1799 y >= 1800 y <= 1899 y >= 2000 y <= 2099 y >= 2100 y <= 2199 (yr + (yr y4) + + d + m <> 2 "31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31" displayDate m, y %"M" buildcal setup displayDate weekDay daysInMonth setup mobutton yrbutton currmo curryear stilldown setup buildcal weekDay daysInMonth totdays wrkday weekDay 034025036146 144025036146 mfactor cfactor leapyear daysInMonth 31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31 leapyear displayDate mobutton yrbutton CurrentMonth 4currmo, curryear, setup "frame" "m,y" displayDate buildcal buttonup buttonup setup frame displayDate frame oHSbuildcal frame currmo curryear setup Set Current Month yrbutton mobutton January Monthup 4currmo, curryear, stilldown, setup "frame" B"yrbutton" = 2199 B"mobutton" "December" > 12 displaydate buildcal > 12 buttonup buttonstilldown buttonup setup frame yrbutton mobutton December displaydate frame oHSbuildcal frame currmo curryear stilldown setup buttonstilldown setup frame yrbutton mobutton December displaydate frame setup currmo curryear stilldown Yearup 4currmo, curryear, stilldown, setup "frame" B"yrbutton" = 2199 displaydate buildcal buttonup buttonstilldown buttonup setup frame yrbutton displaydate frame oHSbuildcal frame currmo curryear stilldown setup buttonstilldown setup frame yrbutton displaydate frame setup currmo curryear stilldown Yeardown 4currmo, curryear, stilldown, setup "frame" B"yrbutton" = 1700 displaydate buildcal buttonup buttonstilldown buttonup setup frame yrbutton displaydate frame oHSbuildcal frame currmo curryear stilldown setup buttonstilldown setup frame yrbutton displaydate frame setup currmo curryear stilldown Monthdown 4currmo, curryear, stilldown, setup "frame" B"yrbutton" = 1700 B"mobutton" "January" displaydate buildcal buttonup buttonstilldown buttonup setup frame yrbutton mobutton January displaydate frame oHSbuildcal frame currmo curryear stilldown setup buttonstilldown setup frame yrbutton mobutton January displaydate frame setup currmo curryear stilldown Double click on a day on the calendar to convert it to Julian. Double click again to change it back. calendar_body buttonDoubleclick 4daylo, dayhi, leapyear, currmo, yearlo, yearhi Zworkday, jday, diffdays B"convert" B"range" "Pick one the options above" "messagebox" visable >= "j" calcGreg( * 30.55) + ( >) - 29.9 > 2 - 1 - 1 < 10 "00" < 100 B"yrbutton" calcDiff( "Number between selected dates: " \ Zi, leapind, , holdyr - 1 k4 = 0 k100 <> 0) k400 = 0) ) - 1 < 0 * -1) - 2 < 0 "31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31") \ > 2 - 1 = 1 < 10 = 1 buttonDoubleclick calcDiff calcGreg buttonDoubleclick convert range Pick one of the options above messagebox messagebox visable messagebox calcGreg fffff range yrbutton yrbutton calcDiff messagebox visable messagebox Number of days between selected dates: messagebox messagebox workday diffdays daylo dayhi leapyear currmo yearlo yearhi calcDiff leapind holdyr yearhi dayhi yearlo daylo calcGreg 31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31 currmo leapyear workday Messagebox Bvisable Picks_box Cvisable Convert to Julian Find range convert 4dayhi, daylo, yearhi, yearlo B"convert" B"range" buttonUp buttonUp convert range dayhi daylo yearhi yearlo Button range 4dayhi, daylo, yearhi, yearlo B"range" B"convert" buttonUp buttonUp range convert dayhi daylo yearhi yearlo Button ResetMonth 4currmo, curryear, setup buildcal "frame" buttonup buttonup oHSbuildcal frame currmo curryear setup Reset Month buttonUp buttonUp ssion_choi Usekeyboard Help_intro "Using This &Book" enterPage leavePage enterPage Using This &Book leavePage Using This &Book "Introduction" buttonUp buttonUp Introduction RETURN intro_help Your were positioned at the introduction screen. All you have to do to get started is position the mouse pointer on the button called NEXT at the bottom of the introduction screen and press the left mouse button. Listed below is some of the terminology that will be used in this book. If you are new to personal computing you can review this material to assist you in your use of this book. Even experienced users are encouraged to review the help screens for the date conversion screens. The mouse pointer is usually an arrow on your screen that moves when you move the mouse. 'Clicking' on a field means to put the mouse pointer on top of the field and pressing and releasing the left mouse button. 'Double clicking' means pressing and releasing the left mouse button quickly. Selecting means the same as 'clicking' or 'double - clicking'. Sometimes all you have to do is click and sometimes you must double click. In this book, the only time you must double-click is when you are at the calendar and you wish to convert a day to Julian or Gregorian or you wish to 'range' dates.